Sunday, December 7

Chrysalis in a Nutshell

So you may be wondering, "what is Chrysalis?" Well, let me tell you...

Wyoming Conference Chrysalis seeks to provide life-changing opportunities for youth through encounters with Christ. Chrysalis Flights are designed to provide youth, in grades 10-12, with an opportunity for spiritual renewal and growth in a cloistered environment (aka: a retreat free of all the distractions of everyday life!) Through down-to-earth talks given by other youth along with lay and clergy adults, powerful worship experiences, great music, and incredible fellowship (both on the flight and long afterward), you’ll be equipped with the necessary tools to be a better leader in spreading the Gospel at home, school, church, and in the world. On a Chrysalis Flight you'll experience the love of God through prayers and the acts of service from a loving support community. Think of it as three days for you to discover or re-discover you spiritual self, to analyze, and realize who you are in Christ.

Chrysalis also provides you with "Fourth Day" support long after you take part in a Flight. We hold a few gatherings each year called "HOOTs", along with the occasional "Next Steps" retreat. Not only do these events help you stay in touch with the friends you make on your flight, but they also help you keep going on your faith journey. You'll also be encouraged to take part in or form "Group Reunions", which are kind of like covenant groups where you can share what's going on in your faith journey, pray, and be supported by other youth. Any youth in high school is welcome to take part in Fourth Day stuff.

It's also important to keep in mind that Chrysalis doesn't replace youth group, Sunday School, or church participation. Chrysalis is designed to make your participation in congregation life more meaningful and to help you have a greater impact wherever your faith journey takes you.

(Read this part fast--like in the commercials) Chrysalis is a program of The Upper Room, a division of The General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.


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